
Refereed Journal Papers and Conference Proceedings

  1. Fractional linear matroid matching is in quasi-NC

    Rohit Gurjar, Taihei Oki, and Roshan Raj Alphabetical

    • Proceedings of the 32nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA ’24), to appear.

  2. Structural preprocessing method for nonlinear differential-algebraic equations using linear symbolic matrices

    Taihei Oki and Yujin Song Alphabetical

    • Proceedings of the 49th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC ’24), pp. 143–152, 2024.

  3. Online structured prediction with Fenchel–Young losses and improved surrogate regret for online multiclass classification with logistic loss

    Shinsaku Sakaue, Han Bao, Taira Tsuchiya, and Taihei Oki Contribution-based

    • Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT ’24), PMLR 247, pp. 4458–4486, 2024.

  4. Problems on group-labeled matroid bases

    Florian Hörsch, András Imolay, Ryuhei Mizutani, Taihei Oki, and Tamás Schwarcz Alphabetical

    • Proceedings of the 51st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP ’24), LIPIcs 297, pp. 86:1–86:20, 2024.

  5. Differentiating the yield of chemical reactions using parameters in first-order kinetic equations to identify elementary steps that control the reactivity from complicated reaction path networks

    Yu Harabuchi, Tomohiko Yokoyama, Wataru Matsuoka, Taihei Oki, Satoru Iwata, and Satoshi Maeda Contribution-based

    • The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 128(14):2883–2890, 2024.

  6. Faster discrete convex function minimization with predictions: the M-Convex case

    Taihei Oki and Shinsaku Sakaue Contribution-based

    • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS '23), pp. 68576–68588, 2023.

  7. Rethinking warm-starts with predictions: learning predictions close to sets of optimal solutions for faster $\text{L}$-/$\text{L}^\natural$-convex function minimization

    Shinsaku Sakaue and Taihei Oki Contribution-based

    • Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML '23), PMLR 202, pp. 29760–29776, 2023.

  8. Improved generalization bound and learning of sparsity patterns for data-driven low-rank approximation

    Shinsaku Sakaue and Taihei Oki Contribution-based

    • Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS '23), PMLR 206, pp. 1–10, 2023.

  9. Algebraic algorithms for fractional linear matroid parity via non-commutative rank

    Taihei Oki and Tasuku Soma Alphabetical

    • Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '23), pp. 4188–4204, 2023.

  10. Discrete-convex-analysis-based framework for warm-starting algorithms with predictions

    Shinsaku Sakaue and Taihei Oki Contribution-based

    • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS '22), pp. 20988–21000, 2022.

  11. Sample complexity of learning heuristic functions for greedy-best-first and A* search

    Shinsaku Sakaue and Taihei Oki Contribution-based

    • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS '22), pp. 2889–2901, 2022.

  12. Lazy and fast greedy MAP inference for determinantal point process

    Shinichi Hemmi, Taihei Oki, Shinsaku Sakaue, Kaito Fujii, and Satoru Iwata Contribution-based

    • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS '22), pp. 2776–2789, 2022.

  13. Pfaffian pairs and parities: counting on linear matroid intersection and parity problems

    Kazuki Matoya and Taihei Oki Alphabetical

    • SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36(3):2121–2158, 2022.

    • Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO '21), LNCS 12707, pp. 223–237, 2021.

  14. Computing valuations of the Dieudonné determinants

    Taihei Oki

    • Journal of Symbolic Computation, 116:284–323, 2023.

    • Proceedings of the 46th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC ’21), pp. 321–328, 2021.

    • Proceedings of the 47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP ’20), LIPIcs 168, pp. 89:1–89:14, 2020. (Under the title of “On solving (non)commutative weighted Edmonds’ problem”)

  15. Dynamic programming approach to the generalized minimum Manhattan network problem

    Yuya Masumura, Taihei Oki, and Yutaro Yamaguchi Alphabetical

    • Algorithmica, 83(12):3681–3714, 2021.

    • Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO ’20), LNCS 12176, pp. 237–248, 2020.

  16. Improved structural methods for nonlinear differential-algebraic equations via combinatorial relaxation

    Taihei Oki

    • IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 43(1):357–386, 2023.

    • Proceedings of the 44th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC ’19), pp. 315–322, 2019.

  17. Index reduction for differential-algebraic equations with mixed matrices

    Satoru Iwata, Taihei Oki, and Mizuyo Takamatsu Alphabetical

    • Journal of the ACM, 66(5), 2019.

    • Proceedings of the 8th SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC ’18), pp. 45–55, 2018.

  18. A compact representation for minimizers of $k$-submodular functions

    Hiroshi Hirai and Taihei Oki Alphabetical

    • Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 36(3):45–55, 2018.

    • Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO ’16), LNCS 9849, pp. 45–55, 2018.


  1. Algorithmic aspects of semistability of quiver representations

    Yuni Iwamasa, Taihei Oki, and Tasuku Soma Alphabetical

    • No-Regret M${}^\natural$-Concave Function Maximization: Stochastic Bandit Algorithms and NP-Hardness of Adversarial Full-Information Setting

      Taihei Oki and Shinsaku Sakaue Alphabetical

      • Virtual Ligand-Assisted Optimization: A Rational Strategy for Ligand Engineering

        Wataru Matsuoka, Taihei Oki, Ren Yamada, Tomohiko Yokoyama, Shinichi Suda, Yu Harabuchi, Satoru Iwata, and Satoshi Maeda Contribution-based

        • Rate Constant Matrix Contraction Method for Stiff Master Equations with Detailed Balance

          Satoru Iwata, Taihei Oki, and Shinsaku Sakaue Alphabetical

          • Algebraic combinatorial optimization on the degree of determinants of noncommutative symbolic matrices

            Hiroshi Hirai, Yuni Iwamasa, Taihei Oki, and Tasuku Soma Alphabetical

            • Data-Driven Projection for Reducing Dimensionality of Linear Programs: Generalization Bound and Learning Methods

              Shinsaku Sakaue and Taihei Oki Contribution-based

              • Multi-dimensional Graph Fourier Transform

                Takashi Kurokawa, Taihei Oki, and Hiromichi Nagao Contribution-based

                International Talks

                  • Refereed
                  • Poster

                  Taihei Oki and Shinsaku Sakaue Contribution-based

                  Faster Discrete Convex Function Minimization with Predictions: the M-Convex Case

                  The 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS '23), New Orleans, LA, Dec. 2023.

                  • Non-refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki and Tasuku Soma Alphabetical

                  Algebraic Algorithms for Fractional Linear Matroid Parity via Non-commutative Rank

                  SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP '23), Seattle, Washington, United States, June 2023.

                  • Refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki and Tasuku Soma Alphabetical

                  Algebraic Algorithms for Fractional Linear Matroid Parity via Non-commutative Rank

                  The 12th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (JH '23), Budapest, Hungary, Mar. 2023.

                  • Refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki and Tasuku Soma Alphabetical

                  Algebraic Algorithms for Fractional Linear Matroid Parity via Non-commutative Rank

                  The 34th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '23), Florence, Italy, Jan. 2023.

                  • Refereed
                  • Poster

                  Shinsaku Sakaue and Taihei Oki Contribution-based

                  Discrete-Convex-Analysis-Based Framework for Warm-Starting Algorithms with Predictions

                  The 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS '22), New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2022.

                  • Refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki

                  Computing Valuations of the Dieudonné Determinants

                  The 46th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC ’21), Saint Petersburg, Russia (Online Conference), July 2021.

                  • Refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki

                  On Solving (Non)commutative Weighted Edmonds’ Problem

                  The 47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP ’20), Saarbrücken, Germany (Online Conference), July 2020.

                  • Non-refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki

                  Computing the Maximum Degree of Minors in Skew Polynomial Matrices

                  Buildings, Varieties, and Applications, Leipzig, Germany, Nov. 2019.

                  • Refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki

                  Improved Structural Methods for Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Equations via Combinatorial Relaxation

                  The 44th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC ’19), Beijing, China, July 2019.

                  • Refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki

                  Computing the Maximum Degree of Minors in Polynomial Matrices over Skew Fields

                  The 11th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (HJ ’19), Tokyo, Japan, May 2019.

                  • Non-refereed
                  • Oral

                  Taihei Oki

                  Index Reduction for Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Equations via Combinatorial Relaxation

                  NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 125 “Piecewise Smooth System and Optimization with Piecewise Linearization via Algorithmic Differentiation”, Kanagawa, Japan, June 2018.

                  • Refereed
                  • Oral

                  Satoru Iwata, Taihei Oki, and Mizuyo Takamatsu Alphabetical

                  Index Reduction for Differential-Algebraic Equations with Mixed Matrices

                  The 8th SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC ’18), Bergen, Norway, June 2018.

                  • Refereed
                  • Oral

                  Hiroshi Hirai and Taihei Oki Alphabetical

                  A compact representation for minimizers of $k$-submodular functions

                  The 4th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO ’16), Vietri sul Mare, Italy, May 2016.