Call for Papers

The 11th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

Update (Feb 18, 2019): The deadline is extended (see below).

Anyone who wants to give a contributed talk is invited to submit an extended abstract (suggested length 4-10 pages) by sending its PDF file via e-mail to hj2019[at] by February 17, 2019February 28, 2019. The extended abstract should be prepared by LaTeX in the format as described in the sample TeX file.

Authors will be notified its acceptance/rejection by March 10, 2019. The authors of accepted papers will be requested to send a LaTeX source file of the final camera ready version for the proceedings volume to the same address above by March 25, 2019.

The proceedings will be distributed at the workshop. This should not prevent the simultaneous or subsequent submission of contributed papers to other workshops, conferences or journals.