日時: 2019年11月27日(水) 16:00~17:00
場所: 東京大学工学部 14号館 5階 534号室
講演者: Amin Saberi (Stanford University)
講演題目: Matching in Dynamic Environments
The theory of matching with its roots in the work of mathematical giants
like Euler and Kirchhoff has played a central and catalytic role in
combinatorial optimization for decades. More recently, the growth of
online marketplaces for allocating advertisements, rides, or other goods
and services has led to new interest and progress in this area.
I will start the talk by giving examples from various industries and survey
a few models, algorithms, and open problems in the context of ride sharing.
Amin Saberi is Associate Professor and 3COM faculty scholar in
Stanford University. He received his B.Sc. from Sharif University of
Technology and his Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology in Computer
Science. His research interests include algorithms, design and analysis of
social networks, and applications. He is a recipient of the Terman
Fellowship, Alfred Sloan Fellowship and a number of best paper awards. Amin
is also the founding CEO and chairman of NovoEd, a silicon valley start up
spun out of his research lab. NovoEd is used by over 50 organizations
around the world including Stanford, Darden, Wharton, as well as GE,
Nestle, IDEO, and Deloitte.