「最適モデリング」セミナー案内 (4/20)

「最適モデリング」セミナー案内 (4/20)

日時: 2017年4月20日(木) 16:30~17:30
場所: 東京大学工学部 14号館 5階 501号室

講演者: Zoltan Szigeti (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP, CNRS, G-SCOP)

講演題目: Packing Arborescences: A Survey

講演概要: An arborescence is a directed rooted tree.
A packing of arborescences means arc-disjoint arborescences.
This is a fundamental concept in combinatorial optimization
with various applications in telecommunication, networks design,
evacuation problem, rigidity theory and other areas of computer science.
We will provide a survey on the problem of packing arborescences.
Edmonds’ famous result on packing spanning arborescences has been
generalized in many directions. In this talk we will focus on the
direction where matroid constraints are added to the problem.