「最適モデリング」セミナー案内 (7/11)

「最適モデリング」セミナー案内 (7/11)

日時: 2017年7月11日(火) 17:00~18:00
場所: 東京大学工学部 14号館 5階 534号室

講演者: S. Thomas McCormick

講演題目: Computing closest vectors in zonotopal lattices

A lattice L is the set of vectors arising from integer linear
combinations of given basis vectors in R^m.  Given some vector x, the
Closest Vector Problem (CVP) is to find a vector v in L of minimum
l_2-norm distance to x.  CVP is a fundamental problem for lattices with
many applications, and it is in general NP Hard.

A zonotopal lattice is given as the set of integer points {v | Mv = 0},
when M is an n by m totally unimodular matrix.  We show how to adapt the
Cancel and Tighten algorithm of Karzanov and McCormick to solve CVP for
zonotopal lattices in O(m^3) time via the Seymour decomposition of
totally unimodular matrices.  The algorithm uses the decomposition to
reduce the problem to a series of subproblems that are piecewise linear
convex circulation and co-circulation network flow problems.  The new
algorithm is more general and often faster than a CVP algorithm for
co-circulation matrices by McKilliam, Grant, and Clarkson that runs in
O(n^4) time.

S. Thomas McCormick (UBC)
Britta Peis, Robert Scheidweiler (RWTH Aachen)
Frank Vallentin (Cologne)